Friday, May 4, 2012


Zordon is the sole remaining survivor of his kind--and he is dying. When giants once walked Earth and harnessed the full potential of our elements, Zordon was only second to Rita in the art of life architecture.  However, Zordon also mastered the art of orgotechnology (the study of life and technology).  When Rita declared war on the giant race, all of Zordon's kind were killed and he was decapitated.  Fortunately, he assigned his created assistant "ALPHA" to "preserve his knowledge at all costs" as he knew Rita would continue her war.  Now, with little life left, he has chosen a team to defend Earth.


  1. Man! You killed it with this one! WAY cool!

  2. this is ridiculously dope!

  3. This looks more like a super size face of bow

  4. Really nice. Did you do any other Power Ranger concept art?
